The art-exhibition, taking place from 10th july for all summer 2010, coincides with the 50th Anniversary of the appeal by UNESCO to save the archelogical Egyptian site of Abu Simbel.
It is a homage to all the sculpturs and quarrymen of Carrara, who took part in the historical enterprise.
It consists of three parts: Carrara saves Abu Simbel, Nardo Dunchi, Carlo Andrei
The other two sections represent a homage to those who came up with the idea of saving Abu Simbel by cutting the monuments into separate pieces.
As well as being friends, these two men were sculptors sharing a love for art and freedom, witnessed by their years of Partisan fighting for the liberation of our country.
"Nardo Dunchi, Light and Shadow Harmonies", sculptures and art works characterized by Mediterranean influences.
Dunchi represents an eclectic personality, hero of the Resistance, writer, painter, but above all a urban sculptor.
He was the pupil of Arturo Martini and he met with the French avant-garde of the post-war period, such as Arp and Brancusi, during his Parisian years.
His art ranged from sculpture to painting, as well as jewellery creation.
"Carlo Andrei, a politician for art".
He represents a protagonist of the early post-war period, and a personage of civic life;
he was the first mayor of Carrara in the post-war period, but he was also a sculptor and the director of artistic work-shops.
Thanks to him many art works of Arturo Martini were saved from destruction. In the exhibition we have followed his life and his political opinions.